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What are the characteristics of Bosch liquid nitrogen tank?

Add time:2019-07-01 17:44:08 Views:1539 times

1. The liquid nitrogen tank is made of high-quality rust-proof aluminium alloy with light weight.

2. The inner and outer shell of liquid nitrogen tank is formed by spinning technology, with fewer welds and better aesthetics, and the vacuum leakage rate is guaranteed.

3. The liquid nitrogen tank can be equipped with a lock protective cover according to the user's requirements to ensure the safety of food samples stored in the container.

4. Numberable cartridge for easy identification and independent access to biological samples.

5. Vacuum sealing nozzle of liquid nitrogen tank open repeatedly, easy to repair.

6. High vacuum multi-layer insulation design with good low temperature insulation performance can minimize the evaporation loss of liquid nitrogen (-196 C) stored in it.

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