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Daily cleaning and maintenance of liquid nitrogen tank

Add time:2019-07-01 17:46:30 Views:1616 times

 The liquid nitrogen output step of the liquid nitrogen tank is as follows:

1. First step, close the vent valve.

Step 2. Open the booster valve

3. The third step is to observe the pressure gauge carefully. When it reaches a certain value of 0.05 MPa (0.5 kg/cm2), the next step is taken.

4. The fourth step is to open the drainage valve for continuous infusion.

Daily maintenance of liquid nitrogen tanks:

1. Check whether the inside of the container is clean and dry before use.

2. Liquid nitrogen tanks are only used to hold liquid nitrogen, and other liquids are not allowed to be filled.

3. Pre-cooling with a small amount of liquid nitrogen before filling liquid nitrogen.

4. For long-term storage, liquid nitrogen should be supplemented regularly.

5. When putting in or taking out frozen articles, try to make the opening time of the jar shorter, let alone bring out the lifter completely.

6. Hard objects should not be used to remove frost from the neck canal, so as not to damage the neck canal.

7. Liquid nitrogen tanks can only be transported standing, not lying down.

8. When the liquid nitrogen tank is unused, it should be washed with clean water, drained, dried with a blower and set aside at room temperature.

How to clean the liquid nitrogen tank and its steps:

1. First, remove the cylinder from the liquid nitrogen tank.

2. Let the liquid nitrogen be removed and placed for 2-3 days until the temperature in the tank rises to about 0 C.

3. Scrub with warm water at about 30 C and rinse with clean water several times to dry the inverted liquid nitrogen tank naturally or by blower.

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