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What is the use of liquid nitrogen tank bucket?

Add time:2019-08-21 08:36:29 Views:1618 times

 Now the price of liquid nitrogen tank is more and more used, and there are many styles, such as self-pressurized liquid nitrogen tank, storage, transport liquid nitrogen tank, air transport liquid nitrogen tank, self-draining liquid nitrogen tank and so on. But what is the use of liquid nitrogen tank bucket?

 The liquid nitrogen tank bucket belongs to the fittings of the liquid nitrogen tank, which is used to place articles, samples, cells, animal semen, etc. which need to be frozen or refrigerated. When the liquid nitrogen tank is filled with liquid nitrogen, the items that need to be stored are put into the bucket, and the bucket is put into the liquid nitrogen tank for refrigeration and freezing. There are holes in the bottom of the bucket, so it is not necessary to bring out liquid nitrogen when the bucket is raised in practice. The liquid nitrogen tank is specially designed for storing biological samples and is especially suitable for medical and biological research. Large storage capacity, small space, low consumption of liquid nitrogen, economical and practical.

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