
Welcome Henan Boss Liquid Nitrogen Container Co., Ltd.!

Cryo tank For Transporting

LAB-50 50L

LAB-50 50L

Product characteristics:The product with the letter "B" behind the model is a special container for transporting liquid nitrogen. One of the differences between its production process and st......


Product details

Product characteristics:

The product with the letter "B" behind the model is a special container for transporting liquid nitrogen. One of the differences between its production process and storage type is to increase the limit support between the inner and outer gallbladder, which greatly improves the vibration resistance of the product and is suitable for long distance transportation.

Structural sketch:


Product characteristics:

1. Aluminum structure with high strength and light weight; 2. Large capacity and small caliber, which can effectively reduce the loss of liquid nitrogen; 3. Self-contained mobile wheels for easy movement. 4. Standard caliber, can be equipped with liquid nitrogen pump to facilitate the discharge of liquid nitrogen. 5. EU CE certification; 6, 5-year vacuum quality assurance;

Product parameters:


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